Nackte Radler protestieren in Mexiko

So sieht Protest in Mexiko aus.
Damit wollten die rund hundert Radfahrer gegen Autoverkehr und Luftverschmutzung in Mexiko-Stadt protestieren.

Hunderte Radfahrer haben in Mexiko-Stadt nackt oder nur leicht bekleidet gegen Autoverkehr und Luftverschmutzung in der Millionenmetropole protestiert. Mit Bemalungen auf ihren Körpern oder mit Masken radelten junge und ältere Mexikaner am Samstag 23 Kilometer quer durch die Stadt.

"Viele haben ihre Körper angemalt, um damit deutlich zu machen, dass diese für uns unsere Karosserie sind. Radfahrer sind sehr verletzlich, so wie Fußgänger", wurde ein 24-Jähriger zitiert. Eine 26-Jährige an die starke Umweltbelastung in Mexiko-Stadt: "Wenn wir Rad fahren, geht die Verschmutzung zurück."

Über Donald Trump lustig gemacht

Viele Teilnehmer malten auch Aufrufe zum Frieden in dem von Gewalt erschütterten Mexiko auf ihre Körper. Andere machten sich über den republikanischen US-Präsidentschaftskandidaten Donald Trump lustig, der mehrfach gegenüber mexikanischen Einwanderern ausfällig geworden war.

Der "World Naked Bike Ride", der auch in anderen Städten weltweit an unterschiedlichen Daten abgehalten wird, findet in Mexiko seit 2005 statt.

Nackte Radler protestieren in Mexiko
A cyclist with a body painting of wings, participates in the World Naked Bike Ride, which organisers say is a protest against reliance on cars and oil, in downtown Mexico City, Mexico, June 11, 2016. REUTERS/Tomas Bravo
Nackte Radler protestieren in Mexiko
Cyclists participate in the World Naked Bike Ride, which organisers say is a protest against reliance on cars and oil, in downtown Mexico City, Mexico, June 11, 2016. REUTERS/Tomas BravoTEMPLATE OUT
Nackte Radler protestieren in Mexiko
CORRECTION - Naked cyclists take part in the World Naked Bike Ride to protest against gas emissions from cars and aggressive drivers in Mexico City on June 11, 2016. The Naked Bike Ride is a world event in which cyclists protest against car culture and oil dependency. / AFP PHOTO / Pedro Pardo / ÒThe erroneous mention[s] appearing in the metadata of this photo by Pedro Pardo has been modified in AFP systems in the following manner: [ Mexico City on June 11, 2016. ] instead of [ Guadalajara, Jalisco state, Mexico on June 11, 2016. ]. Please immediately remove the erroneous mention[s] from all your online services and delete it (them) from your servers. If you have been authorized by AFP to distribute it (them) to third parties, please ensure that the same actions are carried out by them. Failure to promptly comply with these instructions will entail liability on your part for any continued or post notification usage. Therefore we thank you very much for all your attention and prompt action. We are sorry for the inconvenience this notification may cause and remain at your disposal for any further information you may require.Ó
Nackte Radler protestieren in Mexiko
CORRECTION - Naked cyclists take part in the World Naked Bike Ride to protest against gas emissions from cars and aggressive drivers in Mexico City on June 11, 2016. The Naked Bike Ride is a world event in which cyclists protest against car culture and oil dependency. / AFP PHOTO / Pedro Pardo / ÒThe erroneous mention[s] appearing in the metadata of this photo by Pedro Pardo has been modified in AFP systems in the following manner: [ Mexico City on June 11, 2016. ] instead of [ Guadalajara, Jalisco state, Mexico on June 11, 2016. ]. Please immediately remove the erroneous mention[s] from all your online services and delete it (them) from your servers. If you have been authorized by AFP to distribute it (them) to third parties, please ensure that the same actions are carried out by them. Failure to promptly comply with these instructions will entail liability on your part for any continued or post notification usage. Therefore we thank you very much for all your attention and prompt action. We are sorry for the inconvenience this notification may cause and remain at your disposal for any further information you may require.Ó
Nackte Radler protestieren in Mexiko
CORRECTION - Naked cyclists take part in the World Naked Bike Ride to protest against gas emissions from cars and aggressive drivers in Mexico City on June 11, 2016. The Naked Bike Ride is a world event in which cyclists protest against car culture and oil dependency. / AFP PHOTO / Pedro Pardo / ÒThe erroneous mention[s] appearing in the metadata of this photo by Pedro Pardo has been modified in AFP systems in the following manner: [ Mexico City on June 11, 2016. ] instead of [ Guadalajara, Jalisco state, Mexico on June 11, 2016. ]. Please immediately remove the erroneous mention[s] from all your online services and delete it (them) from your servers. If you have been authorized by AFP to distribute it (them) to third parties, please ensure that the same actions are carried out by them. Failure to promptly comply with these instructions will entail liability on your part for any continued or post notification usage. Therefore we thank you very much for all your attention and prompt action. We are sorry for the inconvenience this notification may cause and remain at your disposal for any further information you may require.Ó
Nackte Radler protestieren in Mexiko
Cyclists participate in the World Naked Bike Ride, which organisers say is a protest against reliance on cars and oil, in downtown Mexico City, Mexico, June 11, 2016. REUTERS/Tomas BravoTEMPLATE OUT
