Emotionale Eishockey-Nacht in Boston

Boston Bruins Dennis Seidenberg observes a moment of silence for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings before the start of an NHL hockey game against the Buffalo Sabres at TD Garden in Boston, Massachusetts April 17, 2013. This is the first sporting event to be held in Boston after the explosions that killed three and injured more than one hundred at the Boston Marathon. REUTERS/Jessica Rinaldi (UNITED STATES - Tags: SPORT ICE HOCKEY CRIME LAW)
Thomas Vanek führt die Sabres beim ersten Sportereignis in Boston nach dem Anschlag auf den Marathon zu einem 3:2-Sieg.
Emotionale Eishockey-Nacht in Boston

Boston Bruins Seidenberg observes a moment of sile
Emotionale Eishockey-Nacht in Boston

A line stretches around the outside of TD Garden d
Emotionale Eishockey-Nacht in Boston

A soldier keeps an eye on the crowd before the sta
Emotionale Eishockey-Nacht in Boston

Boston Fire Department honor guard hold flags afte
Emotionale Eishockey-Nacht in Boston

A fan holds a sign during a NHL hockey game betwee
