Gedenken an Olympia-Terror von 1972

Nach Ablauf mehrerer Ultimaten werden die acht schwer bewaffneten Terroristen und ihre Geiseln zum Flughafen Fürstenfeldbruck gebracht.
Am Mittwoch wird in Fürstenfeldbruck den Opfern des Terroranschlags bei den Olympischen Spielen 1972 in München gedacht.
Gedenken an Olympia-Terror von 1972

dapdFILE - In this Sept. 5, 1972 file photo, a West German border police helicopter is about to land at the Olympic Village in Munich, after terrorists held 13 Israelis hostage inside the village. The helicopter is reported to be ready to fly the terroris
Gedenken an Olympia-Terror von 1972

KURIER vom 6.9. 1972
Gedenken an Olympia-Terror von 1972

KURIER-Bericht vom 6.8. 1972
Gedenken an Olympia-Terror von 1972

dapdFILE - A Sept. 5, 1972 file photo shows a member of the Palestinian terrorist group who seized members of the Israeli Olympic team at their quarters at the Munich Olympic Village as the person appears with a hood over his face on the balcony of the vi
Gedenken an Olympia-Terror von 1972

dapdFILE - In this Sept. 5, 1972, file photo, two west German policemen, armed with submachine guns and wearing athletes tracksuits, get into position on the roof of the building where armed Palestinian terrorists are holding Israel Olympic team members h
Gedenken an Olympia-Terror von 1972

(FILES) Picture dated 06 September 1972 showing the burt-out wreck of a German border police helicopter on the Furstenfeldbruck airport near Munich following a failed police action to free Israeli hostages kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists during the Mu
Gedenken an Olympia-Terror von 1972

A combination photograph shows the 11 Israeli athletes and coaches who were killed at the Munich Olympics in 1972 after the Palestinian Black September group took them hostage. Israel marked this week the 30th anniversary of the deaths of the athletes who
