USA: Ganzes Dorf in Nevada zu verkaufen

Das Wüstendorf zählt 350 Einwohner.
Gründerin von Cal-Nev-Ari nahe Las Vegas hat nach 50 Jahren genug von dem Casino-Ort. Der Kaufpreis: acht Millionen Dollar.

Nancy Kidwell hat eine Ortschaft in der Wüste zu verkaufen - komplett mit Casino, Start- und Landebahn, Restaurant, Bar und Motel. Vor rund 50 Jahren hatte die heute 78-Jährige die Siedlung im Südwesten der USA zusammen mit ihrem damaligen Mann hochgezogen, jetzt will sie ein neues Leben anfangen.

Das staubige Dorf im Bundesstaat Nevada heißt Cal-Nev-Ari, zählt 350 Einwohner und verfügt auch über ein Gemischtwarengeschäft sowie Parks für Wohnwagen und Wohnmobile. Der Kaufpreis: acht Millionen Dollar (7,15 Millionen Euro).

USA: Ganzes Dorf in Nevada zu verkaufen
A single-engine plane is seen parked at the airport in Cal-Nev-Ari, Nevada on May 15, 2016, Nancy Kidwell is a modern-day pioneer of the American desert, a rough-riding frontierswoman who built an entire town amid the lonely Yucca trees and sturdy sagebrush, where nothing existed before. A half-century ago, Kidwell and first husband Slim turned a triangle-shaped gravel airstrip abandoned by the US military into a thriving community that featured a casino, store, camper van park, motel, bar and restaurant that drew high-desert wanderers from thousands of miles around. / AFP PHOTO / David Becker / TO GO WITH STORY BY JOHN GLIONNA
Kidwell ist Bürgermeisterin und Polizeichefin in Personalunion und auch die einzige Arbeitgeberin von Cal-Nev-Ari. Die rüstige Witwe ist ihre Sieben-Tage-Wochen aber schon seit Jahren leid. Ein erster Versuch, den 120 Kilometer südlich von Las Vegas gelegenen Ort zu verkaufen, scheiterte vor einigen Jahren, als der Immobilien-und Grundstücksmarkt in seine schwere Krise geriet.
Doch diesmal ist die gertenschlanke Seniorin optimistisch, dass der Verkauf klappt: "Mein Makler sagt mir, die ganze Sache hat sich verbreitet wie ein Lauffeuer" und finde im Internet ein rapide wachsendes Interesse. Sollte Cal-Nev-Ari einen neuen Besitzer finden, so wird dies für Kidwell allerdings ein bittersüßes Geschäft - zwar freut sie sich darauf, nicht mehr zu arbeiten und endlich reisen zu können, doch schwingt auch Wehmut mit.
USA: Ganzes Dorf in Nevada zu verkaufen
Town founder Nancy Kidwell locks up an ATM at her Cal-Nev-Ari Casino May 15, 2016, in Cal-Nev-Ari, Nevada. Nancy Kidwell is a modern-day pioneer of the American desert, a rough-riding frontierswoman who built an entire town amid the lonely Yucca trees and sturdy sagebrush, where nothing existed before. A half-century ago, Kidwell and first husband Slim turned a triangle-shaped gravel airstrip abandoned by the US military into a thriving community that featured a casino, store, camper van park, motel, bar and restaurant that drew high-desert wanderers from thousands of miles around. / AFP PHOTO / David Becker / TO GO WITH STORY BY JOHN GLIONNA
Ihr erster Mann hatte seinerzeit als Pilot das Terrain an der Südspitze von Nevada mit einer von der Armee aufgegebenen Start- und Landebahn zufällig entdeckt, als er von seiner Flugroute abgekommen war. Begeistert von der Schönheit der Wüstenlandschaft beschloss das Paar, sich mitten im Nichts eine neue Existenz aufzubauen.
USA: Ganzes Dorf in Nevada zu verkaufen
Pilot Will Mayo taxis his single-engine plane by homes after arriving for breakfast in Cal-Nev-Ari, Nevada on May 15, 2016, Nancy Kidwell is a modern-day pioneer of the American desert, a rough-riding frontierswoman who built an entire town amid the lonely Yucca trees and sturdy sagebrush, where nothing existed before. A half-century ago, Kidwell and first husband Slim turned a triangle-shaped gravel airstrip abandoned by the US military into a thriving community that featured a casino, store, camper van park, motel, bar and restaurant that drew high-desert wanderers from thousands of miles around. / AFP PHOTO / David Becker / TO GO WITH STORY BY JOHN GLIONNA
Die Aussteiger lebten anfangs in einem heruntergekommenen Wohnwagen, der von Cowboys zurückgelassen worden war, transportierten ihr Wasser in großen Tonnen heran und arrangierten sich so gut wie möglich mit ihren zahlreichen "Nachbarn" - Ratten, Hasen, Kojoten und frei herumlaufenden Rindviechern.
Die Kidwells gruben Brunnen, sorgten für Strom, bauten den Wohnwagenpark und eine Tankstelle. Später kamen Casino, Hangars und das Motel hinzu. Andere Menschen zogen her. Die Behörden richteten eine Post und eine Feuerwache ein.
Cal-Nev-Ari, das nach seiner Lage im Dreieck der Staaten Kalifornien, Nevada und Arizona benannt ist, wurde zwar nicht zu einer solch gigantischen Erfolgsgeschichte wie die Glücksspiel- und Vergnügungsmetropolen Las Vegas und Reno.
USA: Ganzes Dorf in Nevada zu verkaufen
Pilots taxi their single-engine planes by homes as they head to the runway to depart after they flew-in for breakfast in Cal-Nev-Ari, Nevada on May 15, 2016, Nancy Kidwell is a modern-day pioneer of the American desert, a rough-riding frontierswoman who built an entire town amid the lonely Yucca trees and sturdy sagebrush, where nothing existed before. A half-century ago, Kidwell and first husband Slim turned a triangle-shaped gravel airstrip abandoned by the US military into a thriving community that featured a casino, store, camper van park, motel, bar and restaurant that drew high-desert wanderers from thousands of miles around. / AFP PHOTO / David Becker / TO GO WITH STORY BY JOHN GLIONNA
Aber der Ort war durchaus eine Attraktion. Viele Glücksspieler reisten in Privatflugzeugen an - ein Großteil traf nachmittags ein und flog schon am selben Abend wieder ab. "Sieben Stunden Spaß" lautete damals der Werbeslogan des Ortes.
USA: Ganzes Dorf in Nevada zu verkaufen
Will Mayo plays video poker at the Cal-Nev-Ari Casino in Cal-Nev-Ari, Nevada on May 15, 2016. Nancy Kidwell is a modern-day pioneer of the American desert, a rough-riding frontierswoman who built an entire town amid the lonely Yucca trees and sturdy sagebrush, where nothing existed before. A half-century ago, Kidwell and first husband Slim turned a triangle-shaped gravel airstrip abandoned by the US military into a thriving community that featured a casino, store, camper van park, motel, bar and restaurant that drew high-desert wanderers from thousands of miles around. / AFP PHOTO / David Becker / TO GO WITH STORY BY JOHN GLIONNA
Heute sind die besten Zeiten von Cal-Nav-Ari vorbei, wenn auch weiterhin so manche Besucher im Flugzeug eintreffen. Nancy Kidwell weiß nicht, was aus dem Ort wird, wenn er einmal verkauft ist. Die bisherigen Interessenten hätten unter anderem von erneuerbaren Energien, einem Wassersportpark, einer Ferienranch oder einer Schule für Überlebenstraining gesprochen.
USA: Ganzes Dorf in Nevada zu verkaufen
A model bi-plane is seen hanging in the coffee shop at the Cal-Nev-Ari Casino in Cal-Nev-Ari, Nevada on May 15, 2016, Nancy Kidwell is a modern-day pioneer of the American desert, a rough-riding frontierswoman who built an entire town amid the lonely Yucca trees and sturdy sagebrush, where nothing existed before. A half-century ago, Kidwell and first husband Slim turned a triangle-shaped gravel airstrip abandoned by the US military into a thriving community that featured a casino, store, camper van park, motel, bar and restaurant that drew high-desert wanderers from thousands of miles around. / AFP PHOTO / David Becker / TO GO WITH STORY BY JOHN GLIONNA
Sie selber werde nach dem Verkauf erfahren, wie es sei, "wenn du plötzlich nicht mehr jeden Tag um 5.00 Uhr aufstehen musst, um die Arbeit zu schaffen", sagte Seniorin. In ihrem neuen Leben will sie durch die USA reisen, aber ihren Wohnsitz in Cal-Nev-Ari behalten.
USA: Ganzes Dorf in Nevada zu verkaufen
Town founder Nancy Kidwell (R) greets a customer from the confines of the small post office inside her Cal-Nev-Ari Casino in Cal-Nev-Ari, Nevada on May 15, 2016, Nancy Kidwell is a modern-day pioneer of the American desert, a rough-riding frontierswoman who built an entire town amid the lonely Yucca trees and sturdy sagebrush, where nothing existed before. A half-century ago, Kidwell and first husband Slim turned a triangle-shaped gravel airstrip abandoned by the US military into a thriving community that featured a casino, store, camper van park, motel, bar and restaurant that drew high-desert wanderers from thousands of miles around. / AFP PHOTO / David Becker / TO GO WITH STORY BY JOHN GLIONNA
An dem Ort hängt sie auch deshalb, weil hier ihre beiden Ehemänner begraben sind. Ihr erster, 34 Jahre älterer Mann verstarb 1983. Später heiratete sie dessen Sohn aus früherer Ehe, der hergezogen war, um sich um seinen kranken Vater zu kümmern. Ihr zweiter Mann starb vor fünf Jahren. Wenn auch sie einmal stirbt, will Nancy Kidwell mitten in der Wüste an der Seite ihrer beiden Männer beerdigt werden.
USA: Ganzes Dorf in Nevada zu verkaufen
Pilot Will Mayo taxis his single-engine plane by homes after arriving for breakfast in Cal-Nev-Ari, Nevada on May 15, 2016, Nancy Kidwell is a modern-day pioneer of the American desert, a rough-riding frontierswoman who built an entire town amid the lonely Yucca trees and sturdy sagebrush, where nothing existed before. A half-century ago, Kidwell and first husband Slim turned a triangle-shaped gravel airstrip abandoned by the US military into a thriving community that featured a casino, store, camper van park, motel, bar and restaurant that drew high-desert wanderers from thousands of miles around. / AFP PHOTO / David Becker / TO GO WITH STORY BY JOHN GLIONNA
USA: Ganzes Dorf in Nevada zu verkaufen
Food server Jennifer Schumacher (R) serves Charli (L) and her husband Matt Padget of Las Vegas inside the Cal-Nev-Ari Casino in Cal-Nev-Ari, Nevada on May 15, 2016, Nancy Kidwell is a modern-day pioneer of the American desert, a rough-riding frontierswoman who built an entire town amid the lonely Yucca trees and sturdy sagebrush, where nothing existed before. A half-century ago, Kidwell and first husband Slim turned a triangle-shaped gravel airstrip abandoned by the US military into a thriving community that featured a casino, store, camper van park, motel, bar and restaurant that drew high-desert wanderers from thousands of miles around. / AFP PHOTO / David Becker / TO GO WITH STORY BY JOHN GLIONNA
USA: Ganzes Dorf in Nevada zu verkaufen
(L-R) Town founder Nancy Kidwell greets a diners Dick Clark, Ed Bilewitch and Richard Smith as the men have breakfast at her Cal-Nev-Ari Casino Casino in Cal-Nev-Ari, Nevada on May 15, 2016. Nancy Kidwell is a modern-day pioneer of the American desert, a rough-riding frontierswoman who built an entire town amid the lonely Yucca trees and sturdy sagebrush, where nothing existed before. A half-century ago, Kidwell and first husband Slim turned a triangle-shaped gravel airstrip abandoned by the US military into a thriving community that featured a casino, store, camper van park, motel, bar and restaurant that drew high-desert wanderers from thousands of miles around. / AFP PHOTO / David Becker / TO GO WITH STORY BY JOHN GLIONNA
USA: Ganzes Dorf in Nevada zu verkaufen
Town founder Nancy Kidwell is seen in an undated photo, sitting on the wing of a single engine plane as it is displayed in her office at the Cal-Nev-Ari Casino in Cal-Nev-Ari, Nevada on May 15, 2016, Nancy Kidwell is a modern-day pioneer of the American desert, a rough-riding frontierswoman who built an entire town amid the lonely Yucca trees and sturdy sagebrush, where nothing existed before. A half-century ago, Kidwell and first husband Slim turned a triangle-shaped gravel airstrip abandoned by the US military into a thriving community that featured a casino, store, camper van park, motel, bar and restaurant that drew high-desert wanderers from thousands of miles around. / AFP PHOTO / David Becker / TO GO WITH STORY BY JOHN GLIONNA
USA: Ganzes Dorf in Nevada zu verkaufen
Motorists travel along US Highway 95 near the town of Cal-Nev-Ari, Nevada on May 15, 2016, Nancy Kidwell is a modern-day pioneer of the American desert, a rough-riding frontierswoman who built an entire town amid the lonely Yucca trees and sturdy sagebrush, where nothing existed before. A half-century ago, Kidwell and first husband Slim turned a triangle-shaped gravel airstrip abandoned by the US military into a thriving community that featured a casino, store, camper van park, motel, bar and restaurant that drew high-desert wanderers from thousands of miles around. / AFP PHOTO / David Becker / TO GO WITH STORY BY JOHN GLIONNA
USA: Ganzes Dorf in Nevada zu verkaufen
Bartender Debbie Aguilera (C) serves customers inside the Cal-Nev-Ari Casino in Cal-Nev-Ari, Nevada on May 15, 2016, Nancy Kidwell is a modern-day pioneer of the American desert, a rough-riding frontierswoman who built an entire town amid the lonely Yucca trees and sturdy sagebrush, where nothing existed before. A half-century ago, Kidwell and first husband Slim turned a triangle-shaped gravel airstrip abandoned by the US military into a thriving community that featured a casino, store, camper van park, motel, bar and restaurant that drew high-desert wanderers from thousands of miles around. / AFP PHOTO / David Becker / TO GO WITH STORY BY JOHN GLIONNA
